
Those weird people in your life [Part 1]

We all know about those weird people that just really piss us off, creep us out, or are justannoying. My first comic series is about these people.

The one guy in the office that gives his work to other people cuz HE'S A LAZY ARSE!

Or maybe the creepy old guy that stares at you while you take a pee in the urinal.


The Beginning

This is a brand new blog! If you're reading this, you're either one of the earliest visitors or you're a historian that likes looking into the archives. I've always wanted to create some form of website so I can post my comics. I love making comics! I want to thank Blogger for letting me set up a blog to post my comics regularly. They really make it easy, and free! Also, I want to thank Google. Their Adsense helps me make money in order to keep me going. I really need it to work my way through life, when it's hard to keep a job in college. There may not be any comics on here at the moment, but I hope to make a new album of comics! I think the first theme I will be basing my comics upon will be those weird people that are always in your life and always will be.